What should we expect at an international trade fair? All our preparations to present in front of international trade fair visitors revolved around this very question. We were unsure what to expect from the several thousand visitors, who would frequent the fair in the next three of four days. What questions would they ask? What should we tell them? What would we show them? And, above all,who do we want to see at our stall? On our first three international trade fairs we gathered some experience and are now able to at least partially answer these questions. The Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) supplied us with funds to finance our exhibition at the trade fairs.
Continue reading “First international trade fair experiences”How we set up our new workshop
You already saw our new workshop on the premises of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in our Facebook-Post. Little by little we set it up. The rolling machine was the first to move in from our office. We also built a huge a workbench. Soon this is where we will glue together the special film that makes our CompactChart unique..

But where do our tools come from?
Continue reading “How we set up our new workshop”Time flies – six months of EXIST grant
Once upon a time there was a young flipchart called Philip. And Philip’s dream was to fly. All his cousins laughed at him for his dream, after all, how was he supposed to fly? “You can stand and roll – but fly? Flying is just for dreamers! Look in the mirror, Philip!”
But Philip held onto his dream and, instead of catching dust, hit the road, meeting the inventors of “CompactChart”, who were headed in the same direction. It’s less lonely together!
Continue reading “Time flies – six months of EXIST grant””A photoshoot” – just what we needed
Our website, promo material, and social media were in dire need of up-to-date pictures of our current team and the weather this summer was superb, outright perfect for a photoshoot. Anny, Sanny’s longtime companion, had a splendid idea: She suggested they ought to have their pictures taken on the grounds of the disused mine “Alte Elisabeth” in Freiberg. The site commands a fine view of the historic town of Freiberg and provides intriguing backdrops with industrial charm. The setting was great: the sun was shining and there were hardly any visitors on the premises, which enabled us to roam about freely and remain undisturbed.
We won’t keep you on tenterhooks any longer! Check out these great pictures that were edited by a professional. We would also like to express our gratitude to Anny, who took these the lovely pictures.
Let’s smarten up
…we have made another big step. Up to now, all our samples had been manufactured using standard components, which we could easily customise and replace. Yet, despite colourful plastic panels and insets, we were often asked, if the CompactChart was also available in a pretty design and not so technical. The functionality has already convinced prospective customers, but there is always room for improvement – and improve we shall!
Time to say goodbye to our first office – a small review
What does the office of a StartUp actually look like? “Unfortunately, you can’t do everything in a workshop,” Sanny laughs. And because he is right, we would like to show you around our office.
Continue reading “Time to say goodbye to our first office – a small review”
After countless tries finally, a sample
For over a year we have been trying to adjust the joints of our functional sample. Unfortunately, Item’s standard joints as well as those provided by other manufacturers do not meet our requirements. That’s why we started designing our own. After joints manufactured using conventional 3-D printing processes and materials had failed because they did not exhibit the required strength, we tried to re-mill commercial joints to our needs. Sadly, these too were unstable… Continue reading “After countless tries finally, a sample”
Haven’t heard from us in a while?
And yet a great deal has happened… We will give you a brief overview of the recent developments.
As described in our last post, we had requested a founding consultation with the SAB and finally received a positive reply. Now we can start working with our founder’s nest in Dresden on our financing, sales and marketing concepts.
Founding consultation grant
Last Monday, in a consultation with the IHK, we laid the groundwork to obtain our SAB “Founding consultation” grant. During the session, we stated wishes and problems that we needed advice on. By the end of August, we hope to submit the application to fund us to the Saxonian Development Bank (SAB) while at the same time looking for a suitable advisor on technical questions regarding our #CompactChart. We have already looked into multiple regional offers and will decide by the end of the month. Our focus will predominantly be on compiling a user manual. Also better usability of folding mechanism shall be addressed.
We are very excited about the results of the consultation and are looking forward to new impulses. Have you already subscribed to our Facebook page?
A team must grow
Today we held our first big team meeting. The goal was to get everyone up-to-date and conduct an analysis of our StartUp, to figure out where there was room for improvement. Now we are working on and ticking off those points one-by-one. We are currently preparing tenders, especially for the economic sector.
Are you looking for an internship or a place to write your thesis? We offer you an interesting job alongside the opportunity to actively participate in the development of the CompactChart and contribute your own ideas. All you have to do is to send us your application. There is a lot to do, so let’s get started.