Time flies – six months of EXIST grant

Once upon a time there was a young flipchart called Philip. And Philip’s dream was to fly. All his cousins laughed at him for his dream, after all, how was he supposed to fly? “You can stand and roll – but fly? Flying is just for dreamers! Look in the mirror, Philip!”

But Philip held onto his dream and, instead of catching dust, hit the road, meeting the inventors of “CompactChart”, who were headed in the same direction. It’s less lonely together!

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Market presentation – Who is this “customer” everyone speaks of?

SAXEED’s incubator programme requires several milestones to be achieved. Today was one of those days where you had to present a ton of your work. The guiding question was: “Who is this ‘customer’ everyone speaks of” and where do I find him? We went through an entire questionnaire to help us brainstorm as many details as possible about the potential market and our customers. Cramming all of that into a 10-minute pitch is not exactly easy. But it clear things up a lot.

You think you could be a potential customer? Find out by liking our Facebook page, following this blog or volunteering as a tester. Find out if the CompactChart is the right thing for you and help us improve with your feedback.