Time flies – six months of EXIST grant

Once upon a time there was a young flipchart called Philip. And Philip’s dream was to fly. All his cousins laughed at him for his dream, after all, how was he supposed to fly? “You can stand and roll – but fly? Flying is just for dreamers! Look in the mirror, Philip!”

But Philip held onto his dream and, instead of catching dust, hit the road, meeting the inventors of “CompactChart”, who were headed in the same direction. It’s less lonely together!

Continue reading “Time flies – six months of EXIST grant”

”A photoshoot” – just what we needed

Our website, promo material, and social media were in dire need of up-to-date pictures of our current team and the weather this summer was superb, outright perfect for a photoshoot. Anny, Sanny’s longtime companion, had a splendid idea: She suggested they ought to have their pictures taken on the grounds of the disused mine “Alte Elisabeth” in Freiberg. The site commands a fine view of the historic town of Freiberg and provides intriguing backdrops with industrial charm. The setting was great: the sun was shining and there were hardly any visitors on the premises, which enabled us to roam about freely and remain undisturbed.

We won’t keep you on tenterhooks any longer! Check out these great pictures that were edited by a professional. We would also like to express our gratitude to Anny, who took these the lovely pictures.

Team CompactChart on an old steam tankTeam looking into an old chimneyTeam looking at the horizonSanny ReichMarwin GaubeMarwin Gaube

First public appearance at the ORTE

Today was a very special day. For the first time, we revealed our CompactChart to the public eye. The presentation of our prototype took place at the SAXEED booth at the ORTE. The TU Bergakademie Freiberg hosted the fair. This was also where we conducted our design study, but more on that later. During a lecture we told our little genesis story and it seemed to appeal to the audience; they are looking forward to future developments of the CompactChart.

CompactChart at it's first fair - ORTE 2017
CompactChart at it’s first fair – ORTE 2017